Talks and Seminars
Below is a (more or less exhaustive) list of talks, seminars and posters that I’ve presented. Where possible, I’ve tried to include the talk slides in PDF format.
- IFIC Colloquium, IFIC, Valencia, 23 Jan 2025
Colloquium Title: Dark Matter on All Scales
Invited Overview Talk, Joint RENATA-MultiDark Meeting, Santander, 8-11 Oct 2024
Talk Title: Light WIMPs and Light DM -
Astroparticle Physics Lectures, CERN Summer School, 17-18 July 2024
Links: Lecture 1/2 [Video], Lecture 2/2 [Video] -
Invited Plenary Talk, Invisibles 2024, Bologna, 1-5 Jul 2024
Talk Title: Black Hole Inspirals: Lessons for Dark Matter -
ICMAB Seminar, Barcelona, 18 Mar 2024
Seminar Title: New Directions in the Search for Dark Matter
Theory Seminar at INFN Pisa, 26 Oct 2023
Seminar Title: Dark Matter in Extreme Environments -
Lectures on Astrophysics and Dark Matter, 12th IDPASC PhD School, Granada, Spain, 18-28 Sep 2023
Links: Lecture 1/3, Lecture 2/3, Lecture 3/3 -
Contributed Talk, TeVPA 2023, Naples, Italy, 11-15 Sep 2023
Talk Title: Canfranc Axion Detection Experiment (CADEx): A novel haloscope search for Dark Matter axions in the mass range 330–460 μeV -
Astroparticle Physics Lectures, CERN Summer School, 18-19 July 2023
Links: Lecture 1/2 [Video], Lecture 2/2 [Video] -
Invited Talk, GRAPPA@10, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3-5 Jul 2023
Talk Title: Gravitational Wave Signatures of Dark Matter around Black Holes -
Invited Talk, New Horizons in Primordial Black Hole Physics (NEHOP), Naples, Italy, 19-21 Jun 2023
Talk Title: Black Holes’ Dark Dress - Detecting Particle Dark Matter around Primordial Black Holes with Gravitational Waves -
Invited Overview Talk, Lunar Gravitational-Wave Antenna (LGWA) White Paper Kick-off Meeting, GSSI, L’Aquila, 09-10 Feb 2023
Talk Title: Decihertz Dark Matter: Gravitational Waves from Dark Matter Spikes and Primordial Black Holes
Invited Overview Talk, Mineral Detection of Dark Matter and Neutrinos (MDDMv), IFPU, Trieste, 17-21 Oct 2022
Talk Title: Mineral Detectors for Dark Matter [Blackboard Talk] -
Invited Overview Talk, TeVPA 2022, Kingston, Ontario, 8-12 Aug 2022
Talk Title: Dark Matter in Extreme Environments -
Astroparticle Physics Lectures, CERN Summer School (Online), 14-15 July 2022
Links: Lecture 1/2, Lecture 2/2 -
Invited Overview Talk, EuCAPT Workshop: Gravitational wave probes of black hole environments, Rome, 15-17 June 2022
Talk Title: Collisionless Dark Matter Spikes: Open questions in formation, evolution and gravitational wave detection -
Invited Overview Talk, 3rd Dark Ghosts Workshop, Granada, 1 Apr 2022
Talk Title: Future Dark Matter Searches: Dark Matter in Extreme Environments
IFT Seminar, Madrid, 25 Nov 2021
Seminar Title: Detecting, Discovering and Measuring Dark Matter around Black Holes with Gravitational Waves -
AstroCoffee Seminar, Frankfurt (Online), 23 Nov 2021
Seminar Title: Detecting, Discovering and Measuring Dark Matter around Black Holes with Gravitational Waves -
British-German WE-Heraeus-Seminar “Astrophysical Windows on Dark Matter”, Royal Society, London, 3-5 Nov 2021
Talk Title: Detecting, Discovering and Measuring Dark Matter around Black Holes with Gravitational Waves -
NBIA Astroparticle Seminar, University of Copenhagen (Online), 18 Oct 2021
Seminar Title: Detecting, Discovering and Measuring Dark Matter around Black Holes with Gravitational Waves [Video] -
Astroparticle Physics Lectures, CERN Summer School (Online), 13-14 July 2021
Links: Lecture 1/2 [Video], Lecture 2/2 [Video] -
Frontier Research in Astrophysics and Particle Physics Masters Seminar, IFCA, Santander, Spain (Online), 31 May 2021
Seminar Title: Can the Dark Matter in the Universe be Black Holes? -
Invited Community Talk, iDMEu Kick-off Meeting (Online), 10 May 2021
Talk Title: Dark matter, gravitational waves and primordial black holes (delivered jointly with Djuna Croon) -
Invited Overview, First EuCAPT Annual Symposium (Online), 06 May 2021
Talk Title: Indirect Probes of Dark Matter
CAPA Seminar, Universidad Zaragoza (Online), 10 December 2020
Talk Title: Axion Miniclusters hitting (neutron) stars -
3rd South American Dark Matter (SADM3) Workshop, ICTP-SAIFR (Online), 2 - 4 December 2020
Talk Title: Detecting Dark Matter around Black Holes with Gravitational Waves -
Invited Overview, IRN@Zoom, IRN Terascale Meeting (Online), 5 November 2020
Talk Title: Constantly changing constraints on Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter -
Joint U. Sydney-UNSW Seminar (Online), 22 October 2020
Seminar Title: Primordial Black Holes, Gravitational Waves and Werewolves [Video] -
INPA Seminar at LBL, Berkeley, USA (Online), 19 June 2020
Seminar Title: Detecting Dark Matter around Black Holes with Gravitational Waves -
Theoretical Physics Seminar, UPV/EHU, Bilbao (Online), 27th May 2020
Seminar Title: Detecting Dark Matter around Black Holes with Gravitational Waves -
Theoretical Particle Physics & Cosmology Seminar, King’s College London (Online), 6 May 2020
Seminar Title: Detecting (Axion?) Dark Matter around Black Holes with Gravitational Waves -
HIDDeN Webinar, HIDDeN Network (formerly Elusives), 21 April 2020
Seminar Title: Detecting (Axion?) Dark Matter around Black Holes with Gravitational Waves -
DESY Theory Seminar, Hamburg, 27 January 2020
Seminar Title: Detecting Dark Matter around Black Holes with Gravitational Waves
Invited Overview Talk, Gravitational Wave probes of Fundamental Physics (GW4FP), Amsterdam, 12 November 2019
Talk title: Hearing the sirens of the early Universe: Primordial Black Holes & Gravitational Waves -
IFCA Colloquium, Santander, Spain, 7 October 2019
Colloquium Title: Dark Matter, Black Holes, Gravitational Waves and Werewolves -
PALS (SLAP?) 2019, Sorbonne University, Paris, France, 25-27 September 2019
Talk Title: Detecting Dark Matter in the LISA era: Gravitational Waves from Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals -
LHC Results Forum Webinar, 3 June 2019
Webinar Title: Looking for tiny and tough WIMPs with EDELWEISS-surf
SLAP 2018, King’s College London, 18 December 2018
Talk Title: Black Holes’ Dark Dress: Merging Black Holes and the Dark Matter around them -
Particle Theory Seminar, University of Nottingham, UK, 16 November 2018
Seminar Title: Black Holes’ Dark Dress: Mergers of primordial black holes and the impact of Dark Matter halos -
PRISMA Colloquium, University of Mainz, 17 October 2018
Colloquium Title: Can we directly measure the local distribution of Dark Matter from Earth? -
Invited Talk, DESY Theory Workshop 2018, DESY Hamburg, Germany, 25-28 September 2018
Talk Title: Black Holes’ Dark Dress: The impact of local Dark Matter halos on the mergers of primordial black hole binaries -
TeVPA 2018, Berlin, Germany, 27-31 August 2018
Poster Title: Black Holes’ Dark Dress: The impact of local Dark Matter halos on the mergers of primordial black hole binaries -
Invited Overview Talk, Dark Side of the Universe 2018, Annecy, France, 25th June 2018
Talk Title: Signal Diversity and EFT in Dark Matter Direct Detection -
Theoretical Physics Seminar, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 17th April 2018
Seminar Title: Pinning down the particle properties of Dark Matter with future direct detection experiments -
Invited Overview Talk, DM-Stat Workshop, Banff, Canada, 26 February 2018
Talk Title: An Introduction to Dark Matter [Video] -
LAW Physics Webinar, 17 January 2018
Talk Title: Can we determine the particle/antiparticle nature of Dark Matter? [Video]
IRN/GDR Terascale, Montpellier, France, 4 July 2017
Talk Title: Connecting low-energy Dark Matter searches with high-energy physics: the role of operator mixing -
DM Signatures Workshop, CP3-Origins, Odense, Denmark, 12 June 2017
Talk Title: Signatures of Dark Matter Earth-Scattering: from sub-GeV particles to WIMPzillas -
AmsterDark Meeting, GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 24 May 2017
Talk Title: Earth-Scattering of Dark Matter: from sub-GeV Dark Matter to WIMPzillas -
MIAPP Talk, Workshop on Astro-, Particle and Nuclear Physics of Dark Matter Direct Detection, Munich, 21 March 2017
Talk Title: Earth-Scattering of Dark Matter: when Dark Matter particle physics and astrophysics collide -
IPNL Seminar, Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon, Lyon, 20 January 2017
Seminar Title: Directional Dark Matter Detection: a window into DM astrophysics and particle physics -
Astroparticle Theory Seminar, MPIK, Heidelberg, 9 January 2017
Seminar Title: Signatures of Earth-Scattering in the Direct Detection of Dark Matter
Phenomenology Overview, Journée Matière Sombre France, APC, Paris, 1 December 2016
Talk Title: Dark Matter ‘Pheno’ - Signatures in direct detection experiments -
Astro-Particle Physics Seminar, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 7 November 2016
Seminar Title: Signatures of Earth-Shadowing in the Direct Detection of Dark Matter -
GRAPPA Institute Seminar, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 10 October 2016
Seminar Title: Dark Matter Particle Astronomy -
ICAP@IAP Talk, Paris, France, 29 September 2016
Talk Title: Reconstructing the local dark matter velocity distribution from direct detection experiments -
6th Amsterdam-Paris-Stockholm Meeting, Gouvieux, France, 29 - 31 August 2016
Talk Title: Self-consistent calculation of Earth-Shadowing effects in Dark Matter direct detection -
IDM 2016, Sheffield, UK, 18 - 22 July 2016
Talk Title: Looking for Dark Matter in the Earth’s Shadow -
Particle Theory Group Seminar, Nottingham, UK, 16 June 2016
Seminar Title: “You Better Run” - Connecting low-energy Dark Matter searches with high-energy physics -
Particle Physics and Particle Astrophysics Seminar, Sheffield, UK, 15 June 2016
Seminar Title: “Dark Matter Tomography” - Measuring the DM velocity distribution with directional detection -
KCL Seminar, King’s College, London, UK, 13 June 2016
Seminar Title: “You Better Run” - Connecting low-energy Dark Matter searches with high-energy physics -
Rencontre de Physique des Particules (RPP) 2016, Annecy, France, 25 January 2016
Talk title: New directional signatures from the non-relativistic EFT of dark matter -
LPTHE Seminar, Paris, France, 12 January 2016
Talk title: Taming astrophysics and particle physics in the direct detection of dark matter
GDR Terascale @ Grenoble, Grenoble, France, 23 - 25 November 2015
Talk title: Dark Matter from the bottom up: constraining effective field theories beyond the Standard Model using low energy DM searches -
TeVPA 2015, Kashiwa, Japan, 26 - 30 October 2015
Talk title: Distinguishing WIMP-nucleon interactions with directional dark matter experiments -
Amsterdam-Paris-Stockholm 5th meeting, Djuronaset, Sweden, 21-23 September 2015
Talk title: New directional signatures from the non-relativistic effective field theory of dark matter -
ICAP@IAP Talk, Paris, France, 25 June 2015
Talk title: New signatures in directional dark matter searches in the lab -
CYGNUS2015 Workshop on directional detection, Los Angeles, USA, 2 - 4 June 2015
Talk titles: New directional signatures from non-relativistic effective field theory and Discretising the velocity distribution for directional dark matter experiments -
Rencontre de Physique des Particules (RPP) 2015, Paris, France, 15-16 January 2015
Poster title: Harnessing astrophysical uncertainties in the direct detection of dark matter -
IPhT Seminar, Paris, France, 14 January 2015
Seminar title: Probing the properties of dark matter beyond the discovery era -
ICAP@IAP Talk, Paris, France 2015, 9 January 2015
Talk title: Astrophysical uncertainties in direct detection experiments
- TeVPA/IDM 2014, Amsterdam, Holland, 23-28 June 2014
Talk title: Measuring the dark matter mass - in spite of astrophysical uncertainties
The Violent Universe, Institute of Physics, London, UK, 31 October - 1 November 2013
Poster title: WIMP astronomy in the next generation -
Particle Theory Group Talk, Nottingham, UK, 15 October 2013
Talk title: Probing the nature of particle dark matter (and worrying about astrophysics) -
UKCosmo Meeting, Imperial College London, UK, 12 March 2013
Talk title: Tackling astrophysical uncertainties in dark matter direct detection experiments -
Physics & Astronomy Postgraduate Poster Competition, Nottingham, UK, 6 February 2013
Poster title: Astronomy for WIMPs: the direct detection of dark matter
Cambridge Part III Research Day, Cambridge, UK, 1 November 2012
Talk title: Detecting dark matter -
BUSSTEPP 2012, Durham, UK, 2-14 September 2012
Talk title: Improving dark matter direct detection analysis